DNAC Bulk Utilities
Status: Maintaining/Improving.
This script supports the deployment of several hundred SD-Access 9300 switches. You can use it to convert raw IOS files into Cisco’s new SD-Access DNA Controller. It’s got several features below for bulk work like this.
- Imports CSV to DNA Switch ports
- Exports DNA Switch ports to CSV
- Converts IOS to YML then CSV format for import
- Merges 24 to 48 port switch port in the CSV for combining (2) 24 port switches to a 48.
- Exports Virtual Networks and Address pools.
- Renames FastEthernet0/XX to GigabitEthernetX/0/XX based on the stack parameter passed.
- Locates a MAC address or any partial mac system wide in DNA.
- Prints Inventory and Provisioning Status of the system
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